Before the Photoshoot
Firstly we will discuss the kind of photoshoot and where and when you would like it to take place as well as if you have an idea of the  kind of images you are looking for. We will also consider if you have somewhere in mind where you'd like to display your images. You may be looking for an Equine Photoshoot combining the beauty of your horse with the surrounding countryside and if you have a suitable area we can include some of the very popular black background portraits.   
Or if you are looking for a Pet Photoshoot you have a choice of an on location photoshoot or for the smaller dogs and pets you could choose to have a studio photoshoot. 
Now all you have to do is decide what to wear if you are going to be in the images.
On the Day
At the beginning of all photoshoots I will spend some time meeting you and your horse/pet allowing them to get used to me and my camera. If you have booked a studio photoshoot then I  will also give them time to get used to the equipment and the flash. Most pets don't seem to mind this but I will always allow time for them to settle. If your horse or pet is unhappy with anything we will just move on and try something different.              Your horse or pets welfare always comes first.
If it is a location photoshoot we will meet at the agreed place.  An ideal location would be a favourite walk or somewhere they know.  You may need to ask permission to have photos taken at certain locations so please make sure you have received this before the date of the photoshoot.
I always suggest bringing someone with you if you can. They can not only help you get ready, particularly if you are having an equine photoshoot but they can help get the horse/pets attention during the photoshoot. 
After the Photoshoot
Once the photoshoot is finished I will hand edit your photos, no Instagram filters here, this will usually take 2-3 weeks, they will then be uploaded to your private online gallery for you to view and choose your favourite images. At this point we can discus the best product options for you.  If you have any questions please do get in touch.

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